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Pubg Mobile Lag Fix Dll files free for Smartgaga 100% Lag Fix


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Guys its well known that now a days pubg is the most famous game and people are going crazy for it and they love playing it all day. Some of them are playing it even for hours.

It's fine for mobile players who has 4gb or 6gb rams in their phones and they are happy with their game play but those who use some third party emulators on pc's or laptops they are facing lag issues not those who has very high specifications laptops or pcs but those who has some normal pcs and laptops they face lag issues no matter whatever emulator they use.

So guys today i have brought a lag fix solution for people who use ''Smartgaga'' emulator for pubg or any other android games. Smartgaga is an emulator which you can use to play mobile games on pc and laptops.

Smartgaga has some lag issues when u play games on it but i have brought some dll modified files which can fix your lag issues in any game you play on smartgaga.

So lets begin.

About Smartgaga:

Guys as i have already mentioned above about smartgaga its an emulator like gameloop, ld player and other similar emulators.

You can use this emulator to play mobile games on your laptops or pc. Also you can use any mobile application on these emulators.

How To fix smartgaga lag using dll's files:

Follow the steps below for 100% lag issues fix.
1. First of all you have to download the dll files from the link given below. Click on the download button to start your download.

2. After downloading you've to open your smartgaga root directory and then open ''Rederer_Xp'' folder which will be located as if you have installed smartgaga in default ''C'' directory.
C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartGaGa\ProjectTitan\Engine\renderer_xp

3. Now Just paste, replace or over write the downloaded dll files from the above download button.

And you are done now start playing your game and enjoy your game without any lagging issues on smartgaga.

Video Tutotrial:

Final Words:

I hope you have understood the whole process and i hope this article has helped you in fixing your pubg mobile lag in smartgaga.
Thanks For visiting.


  1. Replies
    1. Then ur pc must be not compatible with minimum required specifications for smartgaga


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