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COVID-19 (the story):

Almost 6 months ago, I was randomly scrolling Instagram and I saw a post on one of my favorite pages, that there has been a sudden breakout of an epidemic in China commonly known as the corona epidemic. I just gave a view and continued scrolling, I didn’t even know what this corona thing actually is  but after  few days more and more posts and news passed by my view some were concerning the breakout while the others were about the severity and toxicity of this virus. I was absolutely astonished to see how noxious this virus is and how speedily it is spreading around the world. From China to other countries it spread in the duration of one’s blinking his eyes. 


Well! Being a medical student I knew a lil bit about this virus and I’m ashamed to admit that I didn’t know much about this virus because we were told that corona is just a minor pathogen, so, we didn’t pay much attention. But the question is, if it actually is a minor pathogen what happened that made it so harmful? It was heard that recently a sudden mutation in mammals occurred (most probably the bats) that made this virus to spread this fast. This virus spreads even if you breathe closer to an infected person. Shaking hands hugging each other and even sitting close to each other causes’ infection. People usually think that a single person can’t change the world. But honestly the man who took the soup of the infected bat changed the world indeed. it turned from an epidemic to a pandemic in no time. All of sudden the whole world went into a strict lock down. Everyone went into isolation. Media including print media, social media, television everyone started spreading awareness about this virus among common people. In some poor countries people starved to death because of lack of food due to strict lock downs. But despite of the crashing economies and starving people all the countries are continuing lock down because the virus is in the air, they are letting people die of hunger but can’t let them die of virus because yes! After all this pandemic has to end. 


Corona is actually a very family of viruses causing different disease as minor as common cold and cough. They are named so because of the shape they have i.e; a crown. COVID-19 is virus belonging to this family. It causes pneumonia which decreases the air holding capacity of lungs leading to shortage of air and sever difficulty in breathing. People with good health and immunity develop very mild symptoms that include dry coughing, fever, headache and pain in the entire body, or may not even develop any of these symptoms and their bodies eliminates the viruses completely but those with a weak immunity or those suffering from other diseases say diabetes or senior citizens or very young individuals, develop sever symptoms and difficulty in breathing that may also lead to death.


  • Wash hands again and again for 20 seconds
  • Do not shake hands
  • Maintain social distancing
  • Follow the lock down SOPs
  • Do not go outside unless it is urgent
  • Stop hugging your loved ones if you actually love them and want them to be around for long
  • Keep yoyr hands sanitized

Final Words:

And last but not the least, and the most important one: LOOK AROUND there are people who need you, there are people out there who are on their daily wages to feed their young ones, they are starving, and their young ones are starving. Go help them if you are able to and keep the humanity breathing, don’t let it die.

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