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Hello Guys
I hope you're all doing well and welcome to my blog

So guys whoever is visiting this post is surely facing the lag problems which includes fps drops mostly in pubg mobile. Pubg mobile is an esport game which is now a days trending and most played espot game.

What Causes Lag In Pubg Mobile?

There are several reasons which are responsible for the lag in pubg mobile.
Some of them are listed below

Low End Devices
Low End Gpus
Old Devices
2GB/3GB Rams Devices.

There also other reasons which can also cause pubg mobile lag. Which may include many applications installed on your mobile phones can also be responsible for the fps drops in pubg mobile.

How To Fix fps drops in Pubg Mobile?

There are several ways by following them we can easily fix pubg mobile lag.
Some of them are mentioned below.

Changing your old device to a new one.
Using GFX Tools
Using Modified Configs Files to stabilize fps In Games.

But Today in this post i'm gonna provide you some modified 100% working configs files to fix fps drop in pubg mobile.

What are the pubg mobile config files to stabilize fps ?

So You guys must be curious about the files of pubg mobile which can help in reducing pubg mobile lag by stabilizing fps.
These are just in built games files which are modified by me to improve fps of pubg mobile game play.

Risk Of Using These modified Files?

These files can be used in a room or just for fun gameplay ''MAIN ID/ACCOUNT'' isn't recommended you should always use guest account or another solution to use these files on main account is using ''ANTI-BAN'' you can find many anti bans on youtube or other websites.

How to use Pubg mobile fps drop fix/lag fix Config Files?

In order to learn the whole process of how to use these modified configs files you can watch the provided below on youtube on my youtube channel.
Simple Method Is Given below

1. Firstly Download ''Winrar Application From Playstore''.

2. Download the config files from link given below

3. Extract Both the files anywhere on your device either internal storage or sd card.

4. Copy The ''Usercustom.ini'' File from downloaded files to this Path ''Android/data/com.tencent.ig/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/Config/Android/"
Paste the file In this folder and select "REPLACE/Overwrite"

5. Now copy "Activ.sav" Downloaded file and replace it in this folder "Android/data/com.tencent.ig/files/UE4Game/ShadowTrackerExtra/ShadowTrackerExtra/SaveGames/"
Paste here and select ''REPLACE/OVERWRITE"

Everything is done here now you can enjoy your game at much more  higher fps then your normal game fps.

Final Words:

I hope you've liked the post and the files have worked for you as well like me.
Thanks for visiting and you can ask your questions in the youtube comment box.

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